Collection: Best Sellers

**  All ordered products have passed foreign customs export inspection. 99% of the purchasing origins are Europe and the United States. We will never sell so-called parallel imported goods on the market. The products shipped to HK are based on the actual conditions at the time of shipment by the supplier/after customs inspection, please be noted that the outer packaging may be slightly defective/missing. The supply of each perfume is limited. Cancellation of the order and refunds or exchanges will not be accepted after the order is confirmed unless there is a shortage, the deposit will be fully refunded  ** 
**  Orders generally take about 3 weeks, and some may take 4-6 weeks to arrive, depending on freight logistics. After the goods arrive in Hong Kong, you will be notified immediately and sent to your address (the shipping areas include Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China)  **
**  所有訂購產品均經過外國海關出口檢驗, 採購地99%歐美, 絕不取巧賣市面上所謂的平行入口貨, 運送到港的產品以供應商出貨時/海關驗貨後的實際況態為實, 有機會沒有外包裝紙/有瑕疵外包裝紙, 請留意!各款香水供應量有限, 售完即止, 確認訂單後恕不接受取消訂單及退貨換貨, 如出現缺貨情況訂金將會全數退款  ** 
**  訂貨一般需要3週左右,有些可能需要4-6週才能到達,這取決於貨運物流。貨品到港後會即時通知寄往您的地址 (可寄地區包括香港, 澳門及中國內地)  **