Created in 2004 by Jean-Claude Ellena, Hermessence is a collection of unique fragrances conceived as olfactory poems using perfuming’s most exclusive elements. As sober and intense as Japanese haiku, they reinvent a nature that is as precious as it is unusual, as if rendered by the inspired writing of a composer in search of the new. Enriched each time the perfumer discovers a new country, a language, a culture or simply extraordinary new ingredients, as of today the line consists of eight fragrances, exclusively available in Hermès stores. Brin de Réglisse: a quintessential blend of exquisite lavender wrapped in liquorice, the mischievous reconstruction of an olfactory symbol of the South of France reinvented by the gourmet touch of a ribbon of liquorice. “Dressed in mat black, an magnified lavender, memory and landscape…”
Base notes are Lavender, Licorice and Hay.
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