"This joyful fragrance transports you to the magical world of Disney with their iconic Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse. Celebrating the greatest love story ever known between Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse. Created by House of Sillage Founder & CEO Nicole Mather, This whimsical scent for all is symbolic of the famous couple’s ever-loving relationship. Incorporating sparkling notes of refreshing Coconut, Cocoa, and Sweet Vanilla. Dynamically presented in a playful Mickey silhouette design cap with 18K gold accent and embellished with diamond-cut Swarovski crystals, a hallmark of innovation and elegance. Let’s embark on a journey to experience and capture the feeling of true love.
The Disney x House of Sillage Collection was created by Founder & CEO Nicole Mather to celebrate the greatest love story ever known of Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse. A magical escape into the meeting of two worlds, House of Sillage and Disney." - A Note by the Brand.
Top notes are Cardamom, Bergamot and Mandarin Orange; middle notes are Coconut Milk, Orange Blossom and Cacao; base notes are Sandalwood, Vanilla, Tonka Bean and Amber.
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This is a pre-order item, which takes normally 3 weeks to arrive, some might take longer to arrive, which depends on the international logistics. You can choose Deposit Amount (40%) and settle the balance when the item arrives.